The list of the square of numbers 1 to 100 are divided in three sections given below, you can click on them to jump to that section :
BASIC LEVEL (1 to 25)
(1)2 = 1
(2)2 = 4
(3)2 =9
(4)2 = 16
(5)2 = 25
(6)2 =36
(7)2 = 49
(8)2 = 64
(9)2 = 81
(10)2 = 100
Well done, you have completed till square of 10, keep going, your goal is not far away.
(11)2 = 121
(12)2 = 144
(13)2 = 169
(14)2 = 196
(15)2 = 225
(16)2 = 256
(17)2 = 289
(18)2 = 324
(19)2 = 361
(20)2 = 400
(21)2 = 441
(22)2 = 484
(23)2 = 529
(24)2 = 576
(25)2 = 625
Congratulations, you have completed the basic level which is squares of 1 to 25.
Target the intermediate level now and keep revising the basic one.
(26)2 = 676
(27)2 = 729
(28)2 = 784
(29)2 = 841
(30)2 = 900
(31)2 = 961
(32)2 = 1024
(33)2 = 1089
(34)2 = 1156
(35)2 = 1225
(36)2 = 1296
(37)2 = 1369
(38)2 = 1444
(39)2 = 1521
(40)2 = 1600
Take a breath and have a tea, because you reached for-tea (40).
Keep moving ahead and complete your goal.
(41)2 = 1681
(42)2 = 1764
(43)2 = 1849
(44)2 = 1936
(45)2 = 2025
(46)2 = 2116
(47)2 =2209
(48)2 = 2304
(49)2 = 2401
(50)2 = 2500
Congratulations, you have completed such a difficult task of squares till 50.
But it’s your wish to travel on much difficult road than this one that is to cross your limits and go to advanced level.
All the best for the your next level.
ADVANCED LEVEL (51 to 100)
(51)2 = 2601
(52)2 = 2704
(53)2 = 2809
(54)2 = 2916
(55)2 = 3025
(56)2 = 3136
(57)2 = 3249
(58)2 = 3364
(59)2 = 3481
(60)2 = 3600
(61)2 = 3721
(62)2 = 3844
(63)2 = 3969
(64)2 = 4096
(65)2 = 4225
Nice to see you here, completing square of 65. Go ahead!
(66)2 = 4356
(67)2 = 4489
(68)2 = 4624
(69)2 = 4761
(70)2 = 4900
(71)2 = 5041
(72)2 = 5184
(73)2 = 5329
(74)2 = 5476
(75)2 = 5625
(76)2 = 5776
(77)2 = 5929
(78)2 = 6084
(79)2 = 6241
(80)2 = 6400
More than half of the journey is completed, take a deep breath and don’t forget to reach the destination.
(81)2 = 6561
(82)2 = 6724
(83)2 = 6889
(84)2 = 7056
(85)2 = 7225
(86)2 = 7396
(87)2 = 7569
(88)2 = 7744
(89)2 = 7921
(90)2 = 8100
Only 10 are left, go slower and keep revising earlier one.
(91)2 = 8281
(92)2 = 8464
(93)2 = 8649
(94)2 = 8836
(95)2 = 9025
(96)2 = 9216
(97)2 = 9409
(98)2 = 9604
(99)2 = 9801
(100)2 = 10000
Warmest Congratulations to you for accomplishing your goal to finish the squares till 100.
Keep revising these square of numbers to remember them for large period of time.
Moreover, to read the CUBE OF NUMBERS, keep visiting our website.
Furthermore, you can visit other subject pages for more questions.